
The Hymen is part of the vagina located near the external opening. The hymen may tear or separate after a woman has sexual intercourse that penetrates the vagina. However, other extensive movements may also cause this area of the vagina to become stretched or torn, such as: physical exercise, disease, injury, masturbation, and even a medical examination. In some cultures, they continue to view an intact hymen as a sign of virginity. Restoring the hymen is surgical procedure known as Hymenoplasty.

At the Center For Sexual Enhancement for Men and Women in Burlingame, we specialize in vaginal restoration and reconstruction. Hymenoplasty is the process of restoring the hymen to give the appearance of a fully intact hymen.

What Are Some of the Reasons for Hymenoplasty?

Hymenoplasty is a procedure to repair or reconstruct their hymen. Reasons women seek this procedure may vary. Below are several reasons why many women elect to have this procedure.

  • Reclaiming control after a sexual assault
  • Burying the past after sexual curiosity and experimentation
  • Cultural beliefs to indicate purity to a spouse for their upcoming nuptials
  • A gift of a virginal experience
  • Enhancement of sexual pleasure after childbirth
  • Imperforate hymen restricting blood flow
  • Septate hymen