Female Sexual Enhancement Procedures

External cosmetic procedures can improve the attractiveness of the labia minora, the majora, and the mons through non-surgical and surgical means.

Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery has become very popular in the last few years. This increase in popularity is based on the vast improvement in surgical techniques and instrumentation that provide better results, less pain, and shorter recovery time. Also, genital cosmetic surgery now has a wider social acceptance since more people understand the reasons behind cosmetic procedures in general.

After vaginal delivery, almost all women will develop looseness of the vaginal introitus and the canal. A large percentage of them will also develop stress urinary incontinence (USI). These can be treated both non-surgically and surgically.


SottoPelle Hormonal Therapy for Men



Clitoral Unhooding

Total Mommy Makeover


SottoPelle Hormonal Therapy 



The Feminine Shot

Fat Transfer